Tag Archive: Lighting

5 Design Trends That Could Turn Off Homebuyers

January 19, 2015 2:16 pm Published by

When you put your home up for sale on the market, you obviously want to get as much money for it as possible. Not only that, but you don’t want the listing to linger for weeks or even months without a single bite. What many home owners may not realize is that there are certain cosmetic features of their homes that might actually be turning buyers off, sending them right back out the door as quickly as they came in.

Design Trends mixing and matching upholstery

October 16, 2014 8:41 am Published by

If you're still a little wary about mixing and matching upholstery in your living room, do yourself a favour and work with a professional in the home design and decor industry, such as those at Hope Designs!