Tag Archive: return on investment

Home Staging: Don’t overlook the Return on Investment

January 20, 2014 8:35 pm Published by

Are you in the process of selling your home? Are you hoping to get as much money as possible for your property? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, there is one word that should come to mind: staging. While some people don’t understand the advantages of staging, others are aware of the benefits due to information they have picked up from their realtor and/or a past experience. Often, there is one major hang-up: the cost of hiring a professional home staging company. While you may have some initial concern regarding the cost of home staging, you should never overlook the potential return on investment. In other words, you are going to put out a little bit of money upfront for the chance to earn a lot more on the back-end. This is a tradeoff that most home sellers are more than willing to make.

Why don't I just stage my home myself?

September 20, 2012 11:55 am Published by

In a recent blog we highlighted some statistical data on the selling success of professionally staged homes. "Great" you may think to yourself, "but why don't I just stage my home myself"? Good question. After all, you keep a good home, have great taste, and can de-clutter with the best of them, right?